Wednesday 13 February 2013

1950's cocktail dress

I used illustrator to design these three 1950's cocktail dresses. I didn't realise how easy it was to do this. I think the outcome is successful. I especially like the last dress.

Wednesday 16 January 2013

Oh wow. I'm in love with this girls style. I follow her blog to conjure
up ideas of what works well together. She knows what looks great and 
overall i think it's a fab blog.

Susie's blog has such a wide variety it's hard not too get carried away reading
it again and again. Not only does she show off her cute sense of style but
posts the latest catwalk trends, books, product reviews and much more.

I love Rachel Lynch's blog. I find her so interesting and exciting.
Her fashions range from girly to grunge and she portrays this
rebellious image. I find myself browsing her blog at least once
a day. She is a big inspiration.

I follow Kayla Hadlington's blog because I feel as though I can
relate to her a lot more than the high-end model blogs like as
before. She gets a lot of her clothes from charity shops as do I.
Her effortless style draws me to read her blog and wait excitedly 
for her next post.

I like the 'rock chick' look and violet does it perfectly. Even though her style is quite dark it compliments her whole look and flows from photo to photo.